From the heart

Four black teens in Philadelphia with nothing other than weekly tranpasses and opinions. Still, the criticism and general interpretation seem to change from day to day regardless of aforementioned teens consistency.

Whatever. We're not doing anyone some terrible injustice, and we don't claim to be changing the world or enlightening the folk beyond belief or recognition. Credences, food for thought, images, a few laughs here and there, and opinions are all that we can offer you. Whether you choose to accept or decline, you are here, as are we, daily.

To face the rain or sunshine, parade or riot, cookout or Saturday detention..We ride Septa.

- Til' the very end, Nya Ari, Samir S, Trent XIII, and Hez

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chiddy Bang: Good life

These two gentlemen have come a long way. Do you remember when this was posted a little over a year ago? No itunes, no download links in sight..Just Chiddy Bang on Imeem (which has since plummeted into the 30 second clip world. Boo hoo.)

Here we are two or three videos later. And while this video isn't the most interesting or amusing thing I've seen most recently, something could still be said for the drumming on the garbage can. Right? If not we will just have to take the sound into consideration. Yeah,there are no "smile along with Ye'" puns or tupac-esque verses, but the sound that they've managed to create here is refreshing all the same.


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