With the new year approaching,hopefully some things will get left behind.
Here's a few
1.Shutter shades (as well as wearing sunglasses inside)
2.Kaffiyeh scarves (Since no one seems to understand that it symbolizes solidarity..in Palestine)
3.Nike 6.0's.
4.Terms like "Pr0lli (insert verb or adjective here)" as headlines and display names
5.Madeup names on Facebook, (Eg: Harold I'mnotcleverfordoingthis Jones)
6.Heavy duty snowboots in 50 degree weather (Can you see my issue with this..)
7.Youtube arguments (aka soulja boy and Ice T)
8.Ms.Flaxman (bitch bitch bitch)
9.The word bitch except when restricted (SOLELY) to bitches
10.Lil Wayne (....)
11.Fake tiffany sb's (269,get it together.)
12.Songs about whisking women away from their ordinary jobs to spend money on them,and take them on vacations (Only because this contradicts 99% of songs rappers make about having 50 some women.Not everyone would enjoy themselves on THAT vacation)
13.Ralph Lauren polo caps (This goes without saying)
14.McCain campaign signs (Not that it matters anymore)
15.Sunflower seeds beneath my feet on el autobus (we sure as hell ride septa)
16.The "My dick" song (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=413639167)
17.George W. Bush. (I'll be at the inauguration/Ball by the way)
18.Fluctuating gas prices (I don't even drive, but gas prices effect EVERYTHING)
19.Sea gulls and pigeons (The whole, "haha.Hey,I steal your food." gets old after you turn eight)
20.Spam (On yo myspaCe,!n y0 mailbox, up in ya facebookz,etc)
21.College applications.
22.Wall Street needing its ass saved (GET IT TOGETHER)
23.Customers intterupting anything that I happen to be doing (Personal issue.)
24.Nike acg's.
The list could go on and on.Fortunately for you #23 has me falling asleep at the keyboard.
Here's to the New year.
.N ari