From the heart

Four black teens in Philadelphia with nothing other than weekly tranpasses and opinions. Still, the criticism and general interpretation seem to change from day to day regardless of aforementioned teens consistency.

Whatever. We're not doing anyone some terrible injustice, and we don't claim to be changing the world or enlightening the folk beyond belief or recognition. Credences, food for thought, images, a few laughs here and there, and opinions are all that we can offer you. Whether you choose to accept or decline, you are here, as are we, daily.

To face the rain or sunshine, parade or riot, cookout or Saturday detention..We ride Septa.

- Til' the very end, Nya Ari, Samir S, Trent XIII, and Hez

Friday, November 21, 2008

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones

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Al-Qaeda never ceases to amaze me with their hypocrisy. In February they supported Barack Obama,now it's November and they are calling him a house negro.What I can't figure out is how they can accuse Obama of betraying his "muslim brethren" when they arrange for their "muslim brethren",women, and children to be killed everyday via suicide bombing. The fact that they call Obama's promise to move troops to Iraq a "doomed failure" is laughable..Because this is coming from a group that is running all over their OWN damn country in order to avoid capture.If Al-Qaeda were the force that they claim to be, they would have stability and power in their regions. With that being said, their accusation of Obama being the enemy of "honorable negros" is irrelevant.

"Honorable negros" (I didn't know we still called ourselves negros..) wouldn't approve of the murder of thousands of innocent people annually either.

.N ari

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